How to Motivate Your Team

Older South Asian man sitting and speaking to a younger Black woman while she takes notes.

Figuring out how to motivate your team can be challenging. Even if everyone in it has a similar specialty, that doesn’t mean they are entirely alike. Every person is motivated in different ways, and you need to adapt your approach accordingly.

Thankfully, that doesn’t mean simple changes aren’t effective. By making the right moves, you can significantly boost morale and engagement. If you want to make sure your team is thoroughly motivated, here are some tips that can help.

Talk to Your Team

First and foremost, if you want to motivate your team, you need to learn about their unique needs. Speak with each staff member one-on-one to discuss their position. Find out about the responsibilities they enjoy and the ones they could take or leave. Learn about roadblocks that are holding them back. Ask them if there’s anything you can do to make their work-life easier and more engaging.

By having one-on-one discussions, you create opportunities to find out what makes your team tick. Then, you can facilitate workplace changes that will enhance their experience. Not only will this improve morale and motivation, but it will also boost productivity, loyalty, and more.

Offer Fair Salaries

If a professional believes that they are underpaid, it’s hard for them to stay motivated. Plus, a low salary harm retention, as many skilled employees will start looking for positions elsewhere simply for a compensation boost.

Do a little research to see what the going rate for various skillsets is based on local data. Compare those numbers to the salaries you offer. If you find a significant discrepancy, work to close that gap.

Express Gratitude

Another issue that can sap motivation is feeling underappreciated. If your team doubts whether their efforts are valued, there’s a good chance that engagement and productivity will drop. Additionally, some will start looking for opportunities elsewhere.

Luckily, this is fairly simple to resolve. Make sure to express your gratitude for everything they do. Say “thank you” when they submit an assignment and recognize major achievements in a notable way. It makes a big difference, both in the short- and long-term.

Provide Autonomy

When you micromanage, it sends a message that you don’t trust your team. You’re essentially second-guessing their capabilities, a move that breeds resentment, frustration, and distrust.

Instead, give them a degree of autonomy. After setting clear goals, let them take ownership of their tasks. Only request quick updates at reasonable intervals, though also make sure they know you’re available if they need support. That way, you can stay informed while nurturing the relationship, all while letting them do what they do best with limited interference.

Offer Growth and Development

Many top performers crave new challenges. By making professional development opportunities available, you can feed that drive. You’re giving them a chance to explore the unknown and bolster their capabilities, and that matters.

Plus, you enhance the capability of your team. You can use training to close skill gaps and create cross-coverage. That means offering training is a win-win.

Ultimately, all of the tips above can make it easier to motivate your team. If you’d like to find out more, the staff at GSG Talent Solutions can help. Contact us today.


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